27 January 2013 highlights:
* Tilly riding his tricycle in a circuit around the partition between kitchen and lounge, "Bye bye Tilly. Bye bye Tilly. Bye bye Atilla. Bye bye Mummy." Then, riding up to me (doing the dishes), "Hello Mummy." I was Charmed! (this is the first time I've heard it from him!) "Hello Tilly"
* allowing Tilly all the time he wanted to make friends with a dog, Emma, at the supermarket;
* picnic lunch at the playground - Tilly didn't want to have lunch, until it was explained and understood that it was a Picnic Lunch at the playground. Then he insisted he didn't need a bib (which I foolishly agreed. sigh). He was able to wander around the grounds and hillock during lunch;
* playing with Tilly at the playground after the picnic - Tilly had had many swings on the swing with Daddy. After lunch it was my turn to play with Tilly. We mucked about in the nicest way, all around the playground. The climbing nets, the yellow slide, sitting on the seats (and sitting on our hats).
28 January 2013 highlights:
* Tilly's Breakfast Routine - he et his yoghurt & muesli, he et 1/4 of my bagel, he et 1/4 of Daddy's cold smoked salmon. Then, he wanted to Play with Trike - specifically, an adult taking him for a fast whirl around. We convinced him to take Giraffe for a ride on his trike. Tillly acceded, and gleefully dragged Giraffe on a circuit. This seemed to him to be unsatisfactory. So Teddy Bear was the next toy experiencing the Triking expedition. It was very cute -
* going to Panmure Lagoon pools - it started so well. Tilly was very playful when it came to undressing and re-dressing in his swimming gear. Then it was sunscreen time. It was a performance to have Tilly co-operate to wear his shorts, to ride in the car to the pools. He put up a barrage of negotiations comprising "No. No. No!" tears, and sobs and wails. He sought a second opinion from Mummy. I explained to him that yes, we wear our swimming togs to go swimming. Yes, we wear shorts over our togs, and we take our shorts off at the pools before we go swimming. The noise lessened. Then we assayed with leaving the house without his socks and shoes on -- no, Tilly wants to have his socks and shoes on! Oh-kay... Tilly didn't want to sit down in his car seat... Not sure how that got settled, but I remember I explained to Daddy that Tilly was upset because he thought Daddy was angry with him. Something happened. Daddy got into driver's seat (I think perhaps Tilly was unfamiliar with Daddy driving him to the pools - usually it is me in the driving seat). I re-iterated firmly, "We're going to the pools."
* Tilly being encouraged to play and explore at Panmure Lagoon - we mainly enjoyed the Splash Pad, where Tilly had fun using the water cannon on Mummy and Daddy, and finding rainbows, and we enjoyed playing Fish Daddy in the indoor pool, and we enjoyed a snack break on the grass in the shade;
* Tilly's After Bath Routine - this is his Nekkid Time. He has a chance to bounce around the king-sized bed in the spare room. When he was much younger, he would use his nappy boxes as a fort, then as a climbing/sitting area; this stopped when his weight became more than boxes could support. Now, he builds a fort using the 3 pillows and 2 large towels and 1 baby bath tub. Or possibly, he is re-enacting the Going Out Routine, wherein he sits in his carseat (with front bolster) and says "Bye bye" to everybody and everybody says "bye bye" to him. This weekend he's ressurrected his name: "Bye bye Tilly. Bye bye Atilla."
* Tilly's bed-time routine - I really enjoy Tilly's bedtime routine. I love reading to him, I love how he participates in the story-telling. I love how he sits in my lap. I love how he chooses the books to be read. I love how he plays with his toys. I love his family play with his Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear2, Giraffe.
Leadership Problems.
*Contenders: The next question after “Will Luxon really go?” is, of course,
“Will that work?” The answer to that question lies not so much in the
4 days ago
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