Remembering the good times.
22 June 2013 - Walks in the rain.
As per routine, I parented Tilly on Saturday morning. This was the weekend of wild woolly weather. This was the weekend of wet, cold, and rain. Most of the weather completed on Thursday and Friday, so I thought that Saturday was a good time to go for a walk.
Saturday morning was a good time to go for a walk, as Daddy was still feeling the effects of being ill, and we needed breakfast brought into the house.
I persuaded Tilly to go for a walk to the local bakery. This persuasion took probably an hour. He was an enthusiastic participant by the time we walked down the front steps. He had on his gumboots, his rain jacket, and held the folded up shopping bag. I had on my boots, and Daddy's jacket, and held a purple umbrella.
We sauntered, forthwith. Tilly looked so cute, so serious, holding the folded shopping bag by its handles.
On the walk, he found one of the pockets on his jacket. He put his hand into his jacket to keep it warm. It was a cold day.
We bought several buns from the bakery.
Tilly toddled outside, and insistently clambered onto a chair, and sat expectantly. I overrode my first concern to bring food to Daddy, and acquiesced to my current concern of not disappointing Tilly. I gave him half a sultana bun. I ate the other half. He munched on his. Occasionally he would say "Shoo bird" at the gathering sparrows. They paid no mind.
The rain had stopped, and the sunshine was warming up the glass table and chair and me and Tilly. It was nice.
When Tilly finished, I persuaded him we needed to share the remaining buns with Daddy. Tilly acquiesced. We sauntered back home. Tilly had to walk all the way without being carried, as my hands were fully occupied with the bag of buns, umbrella, and holding onto Tilly's hand.
We had second breakfast at home.
After our weekly grocery shopping trip, Tilly still wasn't settling for a nap. So, this was a good time to visit the local wetland/pond/ducks.
Preparation felt like it took 30 minutes. Dressing Tilly, dressing parents, getting pushchair, prepping pushchair for wet weather, getting out the frozen stale bread (yay! more freezer space!).
We strolled. I remarked on the changes in the neighbourhood.
At the pond, the birdlife was plentiful gathered on the sodden grass. Ducks, geese, pukekos, sea birds.
We had fun feeding the birds on the grass. The rain came, so I volunteered to hold the umbrella so other people could continue feeding the birds.
We fed the birds in the rain.
Eventually the rain stopped. Eventually we ran out of bread.
We walked home. Tilly napped.
23 June 2013 - Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life Aquarium
This place has changed since we last visited. The entrance is now in the polar area - more room for queues. There is no more snowcat ride. Shame.
Tilly was very quick. He walked quickly through the Explorers' hut, not wanting to stop for anything. He stopped for the live penguins exhibit. He was fascinated.
We were there for a bit of time. Not as long as when Tilly was watching seals at the zoo. Sufficient to sate his desire for penguins.
He'd had enough, and pulled parental units onwards and upwards.
(Did we pass the 12mo Giant Squid? "Biiig!")
This was then the open cafe area, with rock pools, larger aquarium of fishes, rays, kid's section. He had fun. I was ho hum, and had fun watching Tilly.
He mucked around for a while in the kid's section. He was gentle with the turtle shell. I was proud of him for showing some respect to a dead animal part.
After 15 minutes or so, he pulled parental units onwards. Past the rays, past the shark models. Past the resting rays.
Into. The Tunnel.
Tilly really enjoyed the Tunnel. We went through it twice.
I rested at the eel area.
Tilly and Daddy went through the Tunnel four times. Tilly came back and thought I ought to enjoy the Tunnel too.
We went through a couple more times. I persuaded the family to retire to the cafe area for sustenance. Oh that was a nice break.
We went through the Tunnel a couple more times, then parental units insisted it was the end of Tunnel and it was time to visit another exhibit.
Sea horses, sea dragons, puffer fish, live octopus, etc. Exit via shop area. Exit to carpark.
"Next time, Tilly. We'll come back another time."
highlights of this weekend: walking in the rain, Tilly's enjoyment of Kelly Tarlton's.
Leadership Problems.
*Contenders: The next question after “Will Luxon really go?” is, of course,
“Will that work?” The answer to that question lies not so much in the
4 days ago