It was absolutely amazing. Atilla was nice all day! He
was friendly, playful, and listened to his parents!
It was my turn to
parent Tilly in the morning. He had his milk, his nappy change - he scarpered
off, so I waited for him in the nappy changing room, and he wandered in after a
brief while.
He played ("Tasty!) while I installed the new
kettle. He did have a tantrum when I took away his blue playdoh, on the basis
he isn't supposed to eat toys at home. This tantrum lasted a long while, enough
to boil a max kettle 3 times and to make Daddy his tea. He was ok during this
tantrum. Sure, he wailed and gnashed his teeth, and tears rolled down his soft
baby cheeks onto the table. He lay down on the floor and sobbed loudly. He
quietened down. I sat with him at the quiet stage. I explained that he isn't to
eat toys at home. I explained he could eat the playdoh at daycare if he wanted
(I think it's ok as that stuff is made to a published recipe than out of a
tub). I asked him if he wanted me to stay. "No." I finished making
Daddy's tea. I asked him if he wanted to help take Daddy's tea to him.
The tea ritual completed, we returned downstairs for
- Yoghurt, banana on toast, he reminded me about taking my pill. He ate, he sat on my lap, he played around me. He read a couple of pamphlets. We finished breakfast, it was 10am. Time Daddy was up.
- Daddy had breakfast, reminded me it was WoF time. We persuaded Tiily out of the house within 30mins and without a tantrum (a record!) Tilly was very good at the WoF place. He played very well.
- Lunchtime at a Japanese place. Tilly ate very nicely. When he'd finished, he wandered outside under Daddy's supervision.
- He dozed in the car, and finished his nap at home.
- We went to the playground for sometime. Then to the bookshop. Then back to playground, then home.
- Tv time, dinner, bath by 7pm. Upstairs by 7.30pm.
- Toileting for an hour.
- Bed, Mog the Forgetful Cat, Over the Rainbow song, and sleep by 10pm.
Atilla was a pleasure to be with today.
Sent from handheld
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