Sunday, 30 December 2012

Bringing up baby: 29 Dec 2012

Tilly has been requiring new shoes for the past few weeks. Thankfully it's been a bare feet kind of weather, or slippers at home sort of days.

Today was the best opportunity we had for getting him new shoes.

We made an expedition to Stomp in Howick, and was probably the first customer of the day. Tilly didn't want his foot measured. So we fooled around. He pushed me around for a bit. We eventually got him to try on a new pair of shoes, but he flip flopped in them like wearing oversized clown shoes.

He pushed me around a bit more. He tried on his second pair of shoes, and they were a good fit. He walked out of the shop with them.

When we got home, he didn't want to take them off at all. He protested strongly and emotionally.

Ah Ee's report (edited):
We went to Little Rangitoto Park for 2hours. He extended himself a fair bit... He had a big proud smile when he managed a climbing/walking thing by himself after following minor instructions from me on foot and hand placements cos he got stuck. We also went on flying fox, once. Then it was time for a drive till he snoozed.
 When he woke up, he found himself in Ah Ee's house. After a bit of animal watching and a nappy change and milk, we went to Bird Barn. He learnt 'big fish', 'tadpole', 'dove' and 'noisy birds'. He didn't like the rats. He liked the kittens, puppies, turtles, rabbits and water fountain.
 Then it was to the playground for nearly two hours - went on helix slide, tunnel slides and swing - including walking over to bike park to watch big boys do stunts on bikes and scooters.
 Then it was to Ah Ee's house for bath time and played 'Da-dum Da-dum' (Jaws theme) until he was ready to get out of bath.
 He learnt we don't play when having dinner. He learnt 'not that' means he doesn't touch-handle specified object. He learnt where he can sit for dinner and where he cannot sit during dinner (i.e. place where he plays up.)
 Then it was home time. As we're about to head down the stairs, he heard tv noise from our neighbours so he sticks his face up against their screen door, looking. A few mins later, he allows himself to be persuaded to depart. Next level down, he meets P- for 2nd time. Many encourage nets of bye bye P- and as we're about to walk down steps, he says several times 'bye bye P-' as we walk down steps and into garage and car.

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